Detailed mapping at the NE edge of "La Cumbre" porphyry zone discovered the El Cedral target area. Currently, the main working hypothesis is this area represents a potential epithermal high sulphidation type environment. New exploration drilling at El Centro (El Cedral) zone, intersected gold and copper mineralization. QAP-DDH-033 is located approximately 250 metres ENE from the platform at La Lenguita where newly discovered porphyry-related mineralization near surface was intersected. Three drill holes, QAP-DDH-25, 32 and 39 were drilled from the same platform on different azimuths and angles with no significant mineralization intersected. The zone will continue to be defined as this new discovery of mineralization demonstrates further evidence that porphyry-related mineralization may be linked between exploration target areas and La Cumbre -- Dos Quebradas porphyry zones.

El Cedral High Sulphidation Epithermal New Occurrence in Quinchía Gold Porphyry Project, Quinchía Municipality, Risaralda Department, Colombia.
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